Medal Mounting

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07754 827784
Added 2013-07-17 07:58:39
Created by Andy Plewa (73)


Please contact George McKay


All Alterations Undertaken;


* Medal Mounting.

* Full Size and Miniature Medals Supplied.

* Kilt Maker.

* Military Alterations.

* Civilian Alterations.


All medals are cleaned prior to work commencing unless the customer requests the contrary, new fabrics are used throughout the process.  All the medals are hand and machine sewn and each medal is individually sewn down (please note, at no time is glue, tape or any other substance used to mount your medals ).
Prices - Please note these are average costs and may vary for unique awards.
Issued Medals are £8 per medal mount (court or loose mounted, full size or miniature) P&P £8.50 (special delivery)
Commemorative Medals are £12 per medal mount (court or loose mounted, full size or miniature) P&P £7.20 (special delivery)
Foreign Medals vary in price but average at £12 per medal mount (court or loose mounted, full size or miniature) P&P £8.50 (special delivery).
All our Kilts, waistcoats and Tartan Trews are bespoke (made to measure), we also carry out an alteration service + P&P
Regimental Medal pouches are made to order and each design can differ due to the needs of the customer,  Price depends on design  + P&P


Ex Household Division Master Tailor with 20 Years of Military Tailoring Experience!


England (North East), United Kingdom
, DH8 5RL

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Advert ID: 900
Displayed: 8901
Expires: 2028-08-16 07:55:00

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