Andy Plewa - Adverts

Title Category Description Location Price
100% Genuine Victorian 9th Lancers QVC Cap Badge

100% Genuine Victorian 9th Lancers QVC Cap Badge

For Sale
Cap Badges100% Genuine Victorian 9th Lancers OR's Cap Badge£ 135 plus P&P
Genuine 'double marked' - 'Tiptaft' ww1 Australian Commonwealth military forces cap badge

Genuine 'double marked' - 'Tiptaft' ww1 Australian Commonwealth military forces cap badge

For Sale
Cap BadgesGenuine WW1 Double Marked "Tiptaft" Australian Commonwealth Military Forces Cap BadgeWales£ 120 plus P&P at cost.


For Sale
Rank, Sleeve & Trade InsigniaGenuine KC RQMS Rank BadgeWales£ 5 plus P&P
Medal Mounting

Medal Mounting

For Sale
Collector ServicesMedal Mounting and Military Tailoring Services.England (North East)---
Genuine Royal Engineers GviR Cap Badge

Genuine Royal Engineers GviR Cap Badge

For Sale
Cap BadgesGenuine Post WW2 Royal Engineers Cap BadgeWales£ 12 plus P&P
Head-Dress Badges of the British Army - Kipling and King - Volume 2

Head-Dress Badges of the British Army - Kipling and King - Volume 2

*** Item Sold ***
BooksKipling and King - Vol 2 Post WW1Wales£ 25 plus P&P at cost.
Scarce Dorchester School, Dorset, Gilding-metal OTC Cap Badge

Scarce Dorchester School, Dorset, Gilding-metal OTC Cap Badge

*** Item Sold ***
Cap BadgesA Scarce Dorchester School OTC Cap BadgeWales£ 125 plus P&P
Royal Army Ordnance Corps Cap Badge

Royal Army Ordnance Corps Cap Badge

For Sale
Cap BadgesGenuine post 1949 RAOC Cap BadgeWales£ 6 plus P&P
Genuine Leicestershire Regiment Cap Badge

Genuine Leicestershire Regiment Cap Badge

*** Item Sold ***
Cap BadgesGenuine Leicestershire Regt Cap BadgeWales£ 8 plus P&P
Head-Dress Badges of the British Army - Kipling and King - Volume 2

Head-Dress Badges of the British Army - Kipling and King - Volume 2

For Sale
BooksKipling and King - Vol 2 Post WW1Wales£ 30 plus P&P at cost.
Scarce and 100% Genuine, 4th Volunteer Battalion, Kennington Park, Queen's Regiment Cap Badge

Scarce and 100% Genuine, 4th Volunteer Battalion, Kennington Park, Queen's Regiment Cap Badge

*** Item Sold ***
Cap BadgesGenuine 4th VB Queen's Surrey Regt Cap BadgeWales£ 185 plus P&P
1st Volunteer Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regt

1st Volunteer Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regt

For Sale
Cap BadgesGenuine 1st VB The Royal Warwickshire Regt Cap BadgeWales£ 95 plus P&P at cost.
Scarce WW1 Household Brigade Officer Cadet Battalion

Scarce WW1 Household Brigade Officer Cadet Battalion

*** Item Sold ***
Cap BadgesScarce Household Brigade OCB Cap BadgeWales£ 285 plus P&P at cost.

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Organisationsbuch der NSDAP 1943